Through 35 years of teaching students of all levels, and being a parent of two children herself, Felicia Feng Zhang has developed a successful and innovative method to teach young students, from Pre-K to older beginners. This method won’t only teach all the basics of music theory, but will work on developing good habits, exploration, etiquette, independence, logical reasoning and thinking, arrangement and combination, imagination, accuracy,

This series has books covering all the essential elements of becoming a good musician and strong learner. After completing this series, students can continue in our CLEF series curriculum, which has seven milestone levels.
and ability to learn and explore new things. This method will transform the good learning habits and details in learning into academic and life success. Felicia has also created books with daily exercises and repertoire for young students.

Age: 4
Age: 4
Age: 5
Age: 4
Age: 3
Age: 5
Age: 4
Age: 7