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What is the unique method or approach which All Talent Academy provides?

Felicia Feng Zhang’s successful teaching experience, vision, philosophy and method fully utilize the piano as a multi-purpose training tool, building solid learning habits and foundation in students of all ages. This method develops and trains students' natural talents in all different learning stages, using "the 3 F's" - Follow, Focus and Flow-  throughout the learning process. Students cultivate bright characters and a positive study and work ethic from a very early stage.

This method goes far beyond the traditional piano lessons! This comprehensive training for all ages does for the mind what daily exercise does for the body. In addition to training students' IQ, we are also training students in skills such as:

  • Soft skills like EQ (Self-Awareness, Self- Regulation, Motivation, Empathy, Social Skills)

  • RQ (Reputation Quotient) and SQ (Spiritual Quotient: about being)

  • Verbal, logical and spatial intelligence

  • Body, musical and social intelligence

  • Emotional, spiritual and creative intelligence


What is main teaching philosophy at All Talent Academy?

Our most important priority is creating well-rounded individuals with good character, with positive minds, and developed manners. Success and confidence in each stage come from dedication and positivity. We believe that you can learn any new skill if you follow your heart, and you can overcome any challenge when you use an effective method. We emphasize the holistic approach to learning, focusing on building multiple learning connections at the same time.

What is the motto of All Talent Academy and Piano Village Foundation?

Strong character, positive mindset, good manners; learn with zest and share with passion.


What is the minimum age of the student you accept in your academy?

We accept students as young as 3 years old, who can seriously learn how to read with ease (some students even come at 2 and half years old.) With our method and approach, you will be surprised to find your child building many learning mindsets, skills, as well as the 3F elements. (Focus, Follow, Flow)  


Do students learn music piece by piece, or in other ways?

Our students can play more than 5 songs or more (up to 20 songs) in one half hour lesson. Because they learn the correct way to read music, they can play as many pieces as they want.


What is your suggestion for practicing at home?

Practice based on the quality you can maintain for each practice session, not by time. Many people might say that "Practice, Practice, Practice will bring you to the Carnegie Hall." But we think this is not accurate - the length or amount of your practice session is less important that your mindset while you practice. The reality is that Quality Practice + Focused Practice + Correct Practice = Perfect. This is what will bring you to the Carnegie Hall!


Do students need to take notes during the lesson?

No; we suggest you instead build a sense of remembrance for the places that you need to improve, and know these places by heart. When you see these spots, you will be instantly reminded that these are places to practice.

May parents sit in for their child's lesson, or should they not be present during the lesson time?

Parents may sit in on lessons only once a month, not every the time. This is specially to give time for the student and teacher to get to know each other, and to build a good, trusting relationship. This policy is flexible depending on the situation, and parents should consult the teacher with any questions or concerns on this matter. 

How do students identify the material which they need to practice at home?

We suggest using small signs, tags, or stickers so the student can identify what they need to do for homework. Also, just simply putting the date on the page will remind students of what material they covered in the past lesson. This saves on time since taking notes, especially when students play more than 10 songs, is neither efficient nor necessary. Students should build the sense to know the parts of their pieces which they need to work on after each lesson.


As a parent, I don’t know anything about piano. How can I help my child to practice at home and better assist his or her learning?

At home, parents just need to ensure a good and quiet practice environment, and be careful to not often disturb the children when they are practicing. You can point out if their posture is not correct, and if you like you can just sit nearby to accompany them and support them, and to give encouragement and comments on their effort. You should allow the child to bring questions and difficulties to the teacher so the teacher can identify and provide more help in that area.


As a parent, I have taken piano lessons. How can I help my child to practice at home and better assist his or her learning?

Even if you have taken piano lessons, there is no need to feel that you must be a second teacher. It is better to only point out the places where you heard wrong notes, wrong rhythm, etc. You may save and write down questions to ask the teacher. Our teachers instruct students to master skills in a particular order, so your caring instruction might take your child's learning in a different way, confuse them, or cause them to have less respect for their teacher’s guidance, which would not benefit their learning progress. More often, the teacher sees the whole picture  and plans a whole curriculum to teach your child skills and behaviors. Like playing staccato, there are many different ways to teach, and without pedagogy training, you might notice some points but miss other points in teaching your child to play.


When should my child begin piano lessons, and what age is suggested to start seriously learning piano?

If the student knows the numbers 1-5 and the English letters A-G, they can be trained with our LaWilla Program.


When beginning the music-learning journey, what is the best instrument to learn first?


Why it's best to begin your musical journey on the piano:

  • Design: The piano is like a big and comprehensive toy - you can play on it with all kind of mixed games to learn holistically. 

  • Grand Staff: Piano music is the only music with a grand staff, so both your left brain and right brain are developed simultaneously. After you have learned how to read piano music, you can easily play any other instruments by just paying attention to the instrument function itself.

  • Touch: For younger students with soft fingers, it is much easier to touch the keyboard than touching the strings.

  • Sound: With the piano, it is easy to make a pretty sound and melody in the beginning, as compared to other instruments.

  • Musical Scores: Piano learning involves many details, and to play well you need precision with these details. This is the same for academics, sports, as well as life scripts and much more. Each score is like a small image of daily life, various and colorful. Life is closely connected with piano learning.


How long are lessons?

For practical piano training alone: (this does not include the theory or ear training lessons):

  • Beginner:

15 minutes for ages 3 to 4 (eventually adding more time)

30 minutes for ages 5+ (Our program is aimed to train students to focus on what they are doing, and this is about the most focus time they will typically spend on other activities each day, like reading a book. So we suggest that 30 minutes is enough for beginners regardless of their age.)

  • Intermediate lessons: 45 minutes

  • Advanced lessons: 1 hour


"Taking pride in our passion - inspiring, helping, and sharing with our community." - All Talent Academy


Thank You!

Lessons in various locations in-studio, online and in-home. Inquire, and we'll find the teacher for you!

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Tel: (203)558-1928

Greenwich, Connecticut, USA

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Musical Core Literacy Education and

 Talent Development for All Ages

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